I am really craving sugar lately, in any form, cakes, chocolates, basically everything that I shouldn’t eat! And to be honest with you I haven’t been really good recently. So the best way I found to deal with those cravings, is to replace all the refined sugars by fruits as much as possible (fructose being way better for our health than the other sugars)! And as I still want to feel I am eating a proper dessert, and that it is not only a restrained choice. So that’s when I try to come up with different fruit based recipes, like this one.
Ingredients for 3 portions:
- 1 banana
- 1 mango
- 50 g of cottage cheese or yogurt (“fromage blanc” in French)
- One half a lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon flat of brown sugar (optional)
- 1 white egg
- Preparation: 20 mins
- Cooking: none
- Rest: 3 h
1- Peel and cut the fruits in pieces, put them into a bowl. Pour the lemon juice and the sugar all over them, and leave for 15 minutes in the marinade.
2- Mix the fruits and the cottage cheese. Beat the egg white until foamy and firm (I never do that by hand, but with a electric whip).
3- Incorporate gently the foamy white egg into the fruits mix, and spread the mixture evenly into individual bowls. Leave in the fridge for at least 3 hours before eating. I usually have a biscuit with the mousse to add a bit of crunchiness to this dessert.
hmm un délice, bonne journée, bisous
Merci! 🙂
Bisous et bonne journée ma chère sherazade !
et ben vous n’allez pas êter déçu en fin de semaine lol… 3 repas avec ma morue aux épinards… c’est vachement bon mais y’a que moi qui aime le poisson et les épinards lol