Chicken liver, really? I don’t know what came into my mind when I bought that! I don’t even know how to cook them! And as much as I love to learn, those don’t look appealing at all! But they are in my kitchen now, and no way for me to bail. A few Youtube videos later, here I was mastering the art of cutting chicken liver and preparing my first chicken liver salad!
Ingredients for 2 portions:
- 12 cherry tomatoes
- 2 shallots
- 2 slices of bacon (or lardons)
- 200 g of chicken liver
- 150 g of rocket salad
- 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar
- 3 tablespoons of olive oil
- A little bit of grated Parmesan
- Salt, pepper
- Preparation: 30 mins
- Cooking: none
- Rest: none
1- Wash and cut the cherry tomatoes into quarter, and put them in a bowl with one tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, one tablespoon of olive oil, a pinch of salt, pepper, stir a little bit and let it marinate.
2- Wash and drain the salad. Prepare the chicken livers (by removing the middle part).
3- Cut the bacon into small bits, put it into a hot pan for a few minutes, then on a paper towel to absorb the excess of fat. Set aside.
4- Chop the shallots finely and cook them in another pan with one tablespoon of olive oil for 2 minutes over medium heat. Add the bacon, the chicken livers, and leave over medium heat while stirring regularly, for about 5 to 6 minutes.
5- When the livers are cooked (be careful don’t overcook them like me the first time! :/ ), remove from heat and add one tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, and stir well.
6- Split the rocket equally in 2 plates. Do the same with the chicken liver mix, the tomatoes, and their marinade. Finish off with some parmesan flakes all over the salad, and bon appetite!
j’aime beaucoup ta recette
aujourd’hui pas de sport pour une fois car 3h00 de ménage et j’ai fais 2h30 que de vitres donc plein les bras lol…
sinon esthéticienne et coiffeur ce matin , ça fait du bien . je profite un peu de mes vacances comme ça bisous
Les vitres, c’est encore mieux que les alteres ! 😛 Je sais ce que c’est, et compatis.
Super pour le chouchoutage de ce matin chez le coiffeur et l’esthéticienne, c’est clair que ça doit faire le plus grand bien, tu as bien fait d’y aller 🙂
Bisous et bonnes vacances !
C’est une recette que j’affectionne.
grosse pluie ce matin et soleil cet apm
quel temps !pufff
bonne fin de journée ( en plein préparatifs de départs)